Monthly dinner and program meeting Every first Monday of month Lions membership offers a great opportunity to be a part of an active, fun, supportive and growing organization. Membership isContinue Reading
The objectives of the planning & zoning committee are: To guide future development of land, services and facilities. To ensure a safer, more pleasant and more economical environment for residential, commercial, industrial and public activities. The Planning & Zoning Committee meets the 1st Wednesday of every month. Planning & Zoning Administrator: Philip Mangis III Email: Continue Reading
General Agenda Call the meeting to order Pledge Of Allegiance Public comment period Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Consent Agenda Approval of the minutes from the previous meetingContinue Reading
Monthly business meeting Every fourth Monday of month Lions membership offers a great opportunity to be a part of an active, fun, supportive and growing organization. Membership is open toContinue Reading
General Agenda Call the meeting to order Pledge Of Allegiance Public comment period Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Consent Agenda Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting Approval of the claims Other matters Adjournment