Green Isle Park Board
- Diane Brown, Chairman
- Malli Harms, Secretary
- Tracy Spangler
- Adam Fiering
- Ed Zimmermann
- Hunter Pederson
Spring 2024 Events
Park Updates
Veterans Park
The playground is used by many families. The gazebo was installed in July by Theis Construction and picnic tables have been placed in the gazebo. The sidewalks and a picnic patio area were done by Wentzlaff Masonary Construction. The landscaping and grass seeding was done by Mathews Sewer System with the fill donated by Melsha Construction.
The gazebo, the cement and the landscaping have been made possible from the Dan Dauffenbach City Donation. No words can show how appreciative we are to Dan for making these park improvements possible and our local contractors for their dedication to this project.
Veterans Memorial
This is a continuing project. The statues have been donated by the Green Isle Legion Post 408, The Ott Family, Ridgeview Medical Center, JIT Companies, Locher Bros., Cornerstone State Bank, Arlington American Legion Post 250, Arlington VFW Post 6031 and Jim “Stubbie” Brown’s Viet Nam Buddies.
If you are interested in a Memorial Plaque for a family member or friend the forms are available at the City Office or at Cornerstone State Bank. We are so thankful to all who have helped make this park possible. The Green Isle Flower Committee continuously waters and pulls weeds at the park. This committee consists of Mary Ott, Rollin & Beth Stockman, Amy Scott, Rita Edmonds and Diane Brown.
Lions Park
The Archery Range has been installed, but is currently closed until further notice. Please sign a waiver (available at the park) before using the range. Drop the waiver off at the City Office. You must be at least 18 years old to use the range or you must be accompanied by an adult.
Archery Liability Release Waiver
Green Isle Baseball Park
The new cement areas and the backstop have been installed. These improvements have been made possible by the Dan Dauffenbach City Donation. Again we say, Thank You so very much. Continued cleanup and improvement efforts are being done every day by the
Baseball Board. The playground area has the new handicap equipment installed.
Green Isle will be hosting the 2024 State Ameteur Baseball Tournament starting August 16th through September 1st. Please consider volunteering to help make this tournament a success and at the same time presenting our small town hospitality to many fans. Please contact Joe Kreger (612-965-2056) or Jodi Michaelis Idding (6123-834-4452).
As a community, we need your help to keep our parks clean and safe. Please throw all garbage in the receptacles at each park and be respectful to everyone at the park. Thanks so much!