We are excited to announce our 10th Annual Cancer Cruise will be held on Saturday, June 5, 2021 at the Arlington Community Center. The 2021 event will benefit Becky Schlueter of Arlington. Becky was diagnosed with appendix cancer in 2015. Appendix cancer is very rare, affecting less than ten people per 1 million. After completing chemotherapy, and a very extensive surgery, she was declared cancer free, until 2019 when the doctors discovered her cancer had returned. She has faced many other health obstacles because of this diagnosis, and is not able to work while she continues to fight this ugly disease.
Since we don’t know exactly what the state’s regulations will be for June, we are only planning a Cruise this year (just like we had last year). We will also put together a silent auction, and have the bidding done online. If you would like to donate to our Silent Auction, or would like to be a financial Sponsor for our 2021 event, please let me know. I’ve attached our 2021 Poster announcing the event, as well as our T-shirt, Hoodie, and baseball cap order form.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 5th, so we can all show Becky how much the community is behind her in her fight!
Felicia Brockoff | Founder | Phone: (507) 964-5603
The Cancer Cruise is organized by Community Giving Hope, a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization started by family and friends. Our mission is to raise money to assist our local community members with overbearing medical expenses, and every day expenses, due to a long term illness.
We pride ourselves on distributing locally raised funds locally.
Like & follow us on Facebook! Cancer Cruise of Sibley County, MN
2021 Poster 2021 Order Form